This countersmart or something like that,i dont care about your comment that say united will not win title,if you are city fans than just post some comment in here,its not place you could say that united will finish third and whatever..fergie and the boys always do what they need do and they just shut glory hunter!!
@drak1212 football or as the yanks call it soccer is the most popular sport in the world you twat and why do the yanks call american football football its more like rugby they hardly use there feet where as in THE REAL FOOTBALL they use there feet the whole game so really football (soccer) is THE REAL FOOTBALL
Wow..Your going on last season? Ye your right he’s past it, But saying he was crap in big games? You stuiped, Arensal, He destoryed them, Chelesa Champions league? They scored he hit straight back, Milan, Remmber that Man marking he did on Pirlo? The same person england couldnt handle, Ye he may not be the best, he may not score in every game, But remmber when man city beat utd 6-1 WHo did he turn to add a little bit a steal into the midfield, against everton? Huh? Oh Park, So pipe down.
well if you are so right why has he been sent to QPR? Ji cant get a start and he’s shit in the big games. He was laughing behind Fergie’s back at Sunderland after the whistle..good old Ji…he’s not even in the top 50 of european midfielder…another one bites the dust eh?
The USA which is the only world super power and the greatest country in the world thinks that you all need to get with the times, Euro soccer is played out and American football has COMPLETELY taken over. we hardly ever see ANY soccer plays on TV here and that means soccer isn’t a luxury sport because it isn’t played by the most important country in the history of the world (obviously you know this so I don’t know why i’m flaunting my countries unshakable power over the world).USA=REAL FOOTBALL
time to defect to City where the glory will be…who’s with me?
i think you are living in the past like liverpool and arsenal. The fact we have rode our luck in recent seasons and believe this is the spirit fergie instills proves we don’t have the squad any more.Face facts..we drew with Basel and were spanked by Bilbao. The tide has changed my friend and you are about to see another poor season from us..hope you enjoy the barren future with the yesterday we will finish 3rd this season and fail in europe there’s the carling cup run for you to cheer
i think you just some glory hunter that try to say anything bad about fergie,if you doesnt like united than support other team..united always have a way to win tittle and always get back stronger every season!!!
Idiot! Can you make a better manager than Fergie?! He has done more for us than any other manager has done for any other team. How can we kick out the person who has made Manchester United a legend?
you call yourself a fan? glory supporter, thats what you are, go support city or chelsea where you’ll win a bpl every 3-4 years or a cl every 20 years, because your not wanted hear
people say evra doesnt have the pace but he does
amos i think
you are a fucking idiot
who was in goals for united ?
yes, i know 🙂
Park still got the class
fergie out u serious??? if it wasn’t 4 fergie we would have finished 20 points behind city,typical glory hunter hasn’t a clue about football go and support city or sumfin twat
This was the first MU game I watched, I was curious after watching United. The movie left me with a pretty good impression of the team, so it’s good to see they’re as good as I was expecting. Goes without saying, this was fun to watch.
City and Chelsea will finish higher than us next season.I’m afraid we are looking at carling cup and fa cup at best. There is no place for sentimentality in sport.FERGIE OUT..
Man U will prove like they always have in the EPL. They will be back to get the title soon enough.
I know 🙂
Ooh Aah Chris Scannell!!
This countersmart or something like that,i dont care about your comment that say united will not win title,if you are city fans than just post some comment in here,its not place you could say that united will finish third and whatever..fergie and the boys always do what they need do and they just shut glory hunter!!
@drak1212 football or as the yanks call it soccer is the most popular sport in the world you twat and why do the yanks call american football football its more like rugby they hardly use there feet where as in THE REAL FOOTBALL they use there feet the whole game so really football (soccer) is THE REAL FOOTBALL
Wow..Your going on last season? Ye your right he’s past it, But saying he was crap in big games? You stuiped, Arensal, He destoryed them, Chelesa Champions league? They scored he hit straight back, Milan, Remmber that Man marking he did on Pirlo? The same person england couldnt handle, Ye he may not be the best, he may not score in every game, But remmber when man city beat utd 6-1 WHo did he turn to add a little bit a steal into the midfield, against everton? Huh? Oh Park, So pipe down.
well if you are so right why has he been sent to QPR? Ji cant get a start and he’s shit in the big games. He was laughing behind Fergie’s back at Sunderland after the whistle..good old Ji…he’s not even in the top 50 of european midfielder…another one bites the dust eh?
The USA which is the only world super power and the greatest country in the world thinks that you all need to get with the times, Euro soccer is played out and American football has COMPLETELY taken over. we hardly ever see ANY soccer plays on TV here and that means soccer isn’t a luxury sport because it isn’t played by the most important country in the history of the world (obviously you know this so I don’t know why i’m flaunting my countries unshakable power over the world).USA=REAL FOOTBALL
time to defect to City where the glory will be…who’s with me?
i think you are living in the past like liverpool and arsenal. The fact we have rode our luck in recent seasons and believe this is the spirit fergie instills proves we don’t have the squad any more.Face facts..we drew with Basel and were spanked by Bilbao. The tide has changed my friend and you are about to see another poor season from us..hope you enjoy the barren future with the yesterday we will finish 3rd this season and fail in europe there’s the carling cup run for you to cheer
i think you just some glory hunter that try to say anything bad about fergie,if you doesnt like united than support other team..united always have a way to win tittle and always get back stronger every season!!!
Idiot! Can you make a better manager than Fergie?! He has done more for us than any other manager has done for any other team. How can we kick out the person who has made Manchester United a legend?
sign me up Sir Alex. Please…?
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■読んで頂ければ幸いです…■実は宝くじで2億円当選したのですが、その使い道に困ってます…馬鹿みたいな話ですが事実です。単刀直入に申しますとこの当選金をお譲りしたいと思ってます。既にお譲りが済んだ方もいますが、少額でのお譲りが多かったため結構な額が残ってます…本日お譲りする事も可能なので遠慮せず仰って下さい。出来る限りご希望の金額をと考えてます。Youtubeでこの様なお話をすると強制退会になりメールが途切れてしまう恐れがあります。そこで制限が無いブログのサイトを見付けたのでお受け取りになられたい方だけそちらからご連絡を頂ければと思います。ブログ /
you call yourself a fan? glory supporter, thats what you are, go support city or chelsea where you’ll win a bpl every 3-4 years or a cl every 20 years, because your not wanted hear
people say evra doesnt have the pace but he does
amos i think
you are a fucking idiot
who was in goals for united ?
yes, i know 🙂
Park still got the class
fergie out u serious??? if it wasn’t 4 fergie we would have finished 20 points behind city,typical glory hunter hasn’t a clue about football go and support city or sumfin twat
This was the first MU game I watched, I was curious after watching United. The movie left me with a pretty good impression of the team, so it’s good to see they’re as good as I was expecting. Goes without saying, this was fun to watch.
City and Chelsea will finish higher than us next season.I’m afraid we are looking at carling cup and fa cup at best. There is no place for sentimentality in sport.FERGIE OUT..
Man U will prove like they always have in the EPL. They will be back to get the title soon enough.